Capturing more than just a smile...a memory!

Capturing more than just a smile...a memory!
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Friday, January 29, 2010

Another year older!

As I sit here on the eve of another birthday I am once again reminded that I am not getting any younger, in fact I am getting older...much older. I am blessed that god has allowed me another year on this earth to spend with my friends and family. I find myself wanting to do something "wild" & "reckless" this year, as if that will bring back my My boys have been great, they made me a cake and have just made me feel special all day, according to them this whole weekend is going to be my birthday celebration, that is fine by me ;). Thank you god for my wonderful children, family, & friends. I am one blessed 30 something year old.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Must be doing something right...

I know that everyone has been watching the news and is feeling alot of sadness for the people in Haiti. A couple of days ago I decided to do my part and donate $10 dollars to the victims in Haiti. This morning as I was getting the boys ready for school Kody came to me and said "Mommy, can i help you do something so you can give me a dollar?" I looked down at this cute little face looking up to me and asked "Kody, what do you want a dollar for?" He said "mommy there are lots of people who are hurt in Haiti and I want to give them a dollar to help". I stood there with tears welling up in my eyes and told him that he was such a thoughtful little boy and that I would give him a dollar so he could help. To make the morning even better Luke also wanted to earn a dollar so he could help. I can't help but think that maybe through all of the mistakes I have made in parenting my children that maybe, just maybe I might be doing something right.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My job is never done...

I spent a good part of the day buried up to my neck in a mountain of laundry. I am beginning to think that my boys must change clothes atleast 3 times a day..ugh. After the fifth load of laundry I decided it was time to move on to something else (I get bored I managed to clean both bathrooms, vacuum, sweep, & dust. That sounds like alot and you would think that after all of that my house would be sparkling clean...NOT even close :( I still have tons of stuff to do and somehow I have to cook dinner, supervise homework, do baths & showers, read bedtime stories, & get book bags ready for tomorrow. All in a day's work. It's true, a mother's job is never done. Thankfully I happen to love the munchkins.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crime & Punishment!

I was just informed that last night while everyone slept peacefully in their beds we had a suspect roaming through the house tearing things up along the way. Kody came to me just a few minutes ago carrying his favorite stuffed animal, a dolphin named Flipper. Kody & Flipper have a special relationship. Kody carries her everywhere, and at night Flipper keeps bad dreams from creeping into Kody's head. It seems as though this "suspect" decided to take a chunk out of Flipper and then leave her helpless under the bed. Kody is not happy and is pushing for the maximum punishment. So, I ask you. What kind of punishment do you think is appropriate?

Here is a picture of the suspect

Here is the victim

The person who is pressing charges

You can be the Jury and decide this suspect's punishment!

Passing it around...

I'm sure you have heard the old saying "sharing is caring", well Luke gets a big gold star for sharing his virus with the rest of the family. I am so ready for the germs to take a hike :-(

On a side note, Luke is feeling much better (thank you jesus) and school is closed tommorrow for MLK day so that will give us an extra day to hopefully get everyone well.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

New to the blogging world

So, after careful consideration I decided to take the plunge and start a blog. Most of my friends have one and it seems like a good way to write out my feelings, thoughts, etc. I am new to this so you will have to bear with me as I learn the ropes. Look out world, a mom of three boys has alot of stories to