Capturing more than just a smile...a memory!

Capturing more than just a smile...a memory!
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Picture Day...

So, today was picture day for 2 of my boys. The memo that was sent home asked that you dress your child in vibrant or pastel colors and that you have no designs on the shirts. Sounds simple enough, right?...WRONG. My boys don't have any solid color shirts without graphics on them so off to the store I went. I also managed to give them both haircuts as well. I think they looked handsome this morning...what do you think?



Monday, February 15, 2010

I think i'm in trouble...

My son just turned 13 in December and has his 1st real girlfriend. I thought it was cute at first, now I am not so sure. They talk on the phone or text eachother every single day, multiple times, so much so that I have put a limit on his texts per day. He says things like "hey baby" to her when they talk or text and just told me the other day that they have thought alot about sharing their 1st kiss and they both believe they are ready??? HUH?, WHAT? I realize that he is growing up and that he is going to experience certain things but I am just not ready to let go, not yet. I had my 1st kiss at 12yrs old and I can remember it to this is something special that will stay with him for the rest of his life, are we really ready for this?